Saturday, April 16, 2011

Silk, Lace, and Wool, oh my!

My daughter is making her 1st communion this spring and I have set out to make her dress. Now this is not a major ordeal for me however deciding what I want it to look like is.  When I made my 1st communion I wore my mother's dress and I also wore my great-grandmother's veil (on my father's side).  I have always thought that when I had a daughter she would wear the exact same dress and veil that I wore. I didn't give any thought to the fact that being married to a 6 1/2 foot tall man might give me overly tall children. This fact has made it so the dress won't fit her.  I'm also not liking the idea of buying a dress.  So I set out to make a dress. I told my grandmother of my plan, and she stepped right up. Gram is a very talented, as I like to call it, fabric artist.  Her first love is quilting but sewing in general is as natural to her as breathing. She also lives in an area of New Jersey which gives her access to the best quality fabrics, laces, threads, everything.  So I told her I was thinking about silk and she said "say no more I've got it taken care of".  About a month ago I got a wonderful package of what I consider beautiful things.  She sent several yards of a gorgeous dupioni silk in the most beautiful shade of ivory that in the right light has an ever so slight pinkish hue, and several yards of the most amazing, lightest, softest cream colored wool.  Now, I know that tradition is a bright white dress but I want her to still wear the veil and being almost 100 years old it's more ivory than white, so ivory it is!  Today was the day. I've started a "rough draft" in muslin. So far so good.  I have to say with all the ideas that have gone through my head it's been very hard to decide what this should look like.  Pictures to come soon.


  1. hi
    i just want to say that i received your hare and love it thank you so much for all !

  2. Baby Diva will look fabulous!!! I'm impressed that you are making it yourself!!

  3. Katie - can you send me a picture of the rabbit I made and bits and pieces so I can put it on my blog. Thanks Elaine

  4. I am really disappointed that after all the effort I went to for my swap - that there hasn't been any aknowledgement on your blog. I thought that what I made for you was beautiful along with the other items that I sent. I will be putting a post on my blog about it as well.
