Wednesday, April 13, 2011

31 and Holding.......

gifts from Marie and Dawn
So I celebrated my birthday over this past weekend and while I'm not too far off from 31 I am going to be staying that exact age for a while I think. Truthfully I don't care, 33 is just fine but I have to say I seem to feel like I was just 31. My how quickly the last two years have gone. The other reason I don't mind getting older is I like to get gifts. I will be honest. I like stuff!  Some of my favorite things I got this year have to do with a huge event in the near future. The Royal Wedding!  That's right The Royal Wedding.  My cousin sent the commemoriative William and Catherine Royal Wedding Yankee Candle. LOVE IT!  My BFF Dawn gave me The William and Catherine tea cup. Now this is the perfect gift since it combines my love of all things royal and my love of tea and tea cups. I have it on good authority that there may even be a certain sapphire  ring replica coming my way.  My kids and hubby gave me some new beads for my Troll Beads bracelet, I LOVE LOVE LOVE them.  This year it seemed like I was able to make it last days. While the real day was Saturday and my husband and I celebrated that day, I also got to have cake and icecream with my family and the inlaws on Sunday and Monday I was surprised by beautiful flowers from my brother and his girlfriend. Yes I don't mind getting older, a day all about me.
from Kevin and Brittany


  1. There should be an international day set aside..just for you xoxo
    Glad you loved the tea cup set. I have to say Marie and I outdid ourselves this year...pat us on the back...LOL

  2. Your birthday gifts are absolutely gorgeous - xxx - I have the Charles and Diana tea cup (at the bottom of my fish tank - sunk -) so now I must get around to getting a Catherine and William one.
    Happy Belated birthday xxx
