Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Pointers of The Brook

Libby Brook's Jewel Of India

                                                          Libby Brook's Life Of Reilly

In about a month our girls, India and Reilly, are getting some new friends.  That's right, the crazy is going to get even crazier with 2 more German Shorthairs.  We found out a few weeks ago that India's mother Willow and brother (from a different litter) George were going to need new homes.  Well, my softer side took over with this news and the hubby and I decided to make that family 2 dogs larger.  So now we will have 4 dogs all under the age of 6. UGH!!!  If you aren't familiar with GSPs they are great family dogs, very loving, fantastic with kids, and very energetic!  They love to run and boy is India fast. I think she could be the fastest dog I've ever seen. They need to have about 30 minutes a day to just run, play ball, whatever it takes to blow off some steam. After that they are calm and happy to just lay next to your feet for the rest of the day.  Currently  they have been out and smelled all the new spring smells there are to smell today and are resting in the entryway as the sun beats down on them through the windows. As I look at them quiet and calm I realize why I want to bring 2 more into this family. Stay tuned for the adventures of the Libby Brook Pointers.

Monday, March 28, 2011


So it's been officially Spring for a little over a week. As you can see it still looks (and feels) pretty cold on the Brook. The ice is gone but 30ish temps and wind chill doesn't feel very springy.  I know in a few weeks things will look greatly different.  The girls (the dogs) LOVE that they can now run everywhere and so do I because that means that they are super tired come evening and anyone that has even 1 GSP knows that tha tis wonderful. 
With the arrival of Spring that also means the exit of snowpants!  Mother's everywhere rejoice!!!!!!!!  No more snowpants in the backpacks, laying on the floor in the entryway, hanging on the back of chairs infront of the wood stove to dry. That does however mean mud. At this point I look forward to the mud.  Enjoy your day.
